True stories of a small flock of remarkable individuals -- and other critters.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I love to draw cats. 
Cats are really just a bunch of circles and triangles. 

Meet Pekoe.


Pekoe is two circles, and two triangles.

Okay now. 
To draw a chicken, you first draw a cat: 
Next, you have to decide whether you really want to draw a chicken.
Whichever route you take, you're pretty much there.

Chickens are made up of a bunch of circles and triangles, just like cats. 

Marky is, too, for that matter.  
But don't tell him I said so.

You can do a quick sketch, 

or you can spend some more time with that pencil.

Here's my elegant Daisy.

There. She's shaping up.

And next, we have a nice Lucy shape:

Don't forget the flip-side of the chicken :

What's up...?

If you're getting discouraged, look for an easier subject:

And if you're getting chicks this spring,

look for those circles: 

Fun thing about chicks and Silkies ---there are no lines... 

Just fluff.

Grab a pencil and give it a try! And then share your sketches on my Scratch and Peck Facebook Page.

Happy sketching!



  1. you are fab. and i love your art. can't wait to buy your book. finally getting my chicks and maybe some big girls very, very soon :)

  2. Goats. You didn't mention goats.

  3. I think I'll give it a try but you make it look easier than it really is. That's an artist for you!

  4. Thank you Lauren! I've been wanting to learn how to draw a chicken!!!!

  5. Oh Yay! Now, I can try to draw chickens in my chicken coop! Love your blog!

  6. I agree you make it look easier than it really it is. I love how you capture their characters. Your sketches are so much fun.It's great to see how they take shape.

  7. This is a wonderful post - thank you so much it has made my day

  8. Fantastic. This is my favourite blog ever.

  9. Another awesome post, Lauren! This is my favorite blog, too!!!!!!

  10. So love this and how fortunate that it's vacation week. Sending the girls out with pad and paper this afternoon.

    Many thanks for a terrific post Lauren!

  11. I love this so much I can't stand it. I've been drawing ugly chickens everywhere and people keep on asking what the scribbling is! Wait till they see them now. :)

  12. Im going to try drawing my chickens this weekend! Thank you!!

  13. You make me smile, Lauren. I'm going to give this a try right now! :D

  14. Oh, Thank you for this post! You make it look so simple!

  15. You make it seem so easy! I am definitely not an artist, but I think I will give sketching a try now. Thanks for the tutorial :)

  16. I have always wondered how you do it. Think I will give it a try : )

  17. you are the mistress of drawing! love them all.

  18. Ha! I have wondered for a good while how you managed to draw all these fun and interesting chicken sketches! Thanks for the Art Lesson!
    ~ Lynda

  19. I love this! Now I have to find me a pencil :)

  20. This is almost too much cute and awesome all in one! What a fun "tutorial" thanks!

  21. We have a cat like Pekoe... Her name is Chloe. She has what we call a "dunlop"... As in, "Her belly "donlopped" over the back of the couch... LOL!

    1. I laughed so hard I almost lost my tea! Oh, that was hysterical.

  22. So that's how you do it!! I've always wondered how you'd draw Stupid, my ugly rooster. :)

  23. I love cats and now thanks to you I love chickens too.

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  26. This is a brilliant post to follow and funny too, I'm going to give this a go, thank you Lauren!

  27. I stumbled upon this in a Google search and I must say... THANK YOU! I have FINALLY gotten the gist of chicken-drawing! Brilliant tutorial, thank you so much!

  28. Nice variety of chicken tutorials. Seems so simple! :)
