True stories of a small flock of remarkable individuals -- and other critters.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mystery of the tiny egg

continued from the previous post, Critters

Nobody fessed up to laying that goofy little tiny egg.

It had to be either Lucy, Lil'White or Pigeon, because the two young'uns aren't old enough to lay eggs.

I knew it wasn't Lucy.  Her eggs are perfect and pointy and pink, every time.

Lil'White's eggs  are cute as a button.
She decorates each one with little white speckles.

And then there's Pigeon:

Pigeon is a... creative egg-layer.

I showed Pigeon that little nugget and asked her, point-blank.  She sucked on a piece of grass and stared vacantly.


It was a "fart-egg", to quote Matt (of Foothills Poultry blog)--
...he's a guy who adores these little rarities so much, he collects them.
(see, I'm not any nuttier than the rest of you!)

I couldn't save this little treasure. I just had to know what was inside.

Inside that shell was a perfect tiny egg. The contents fit into a teaspoon.
I fried it up in the most gigantic of pans in order to emphasize its cuteness.

With a pinch of salt,
I savored it in one delicious bite.

Thank you, Pigeon!

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  

Fern and Daisy will soon be laying their first eggs, 
and I've only got one nest box.
One nest box is good enough for three hens, but not enough for five.

So.  I could add another nest box....

Or I could seize this opportunity to  
***build a whole new COOP!***

Not just a plain ol' coop this time.  

My girls deserve something more.

 perhaps the Moderne look:


 the Monsoon style.... 

... Italian Farmhouse..?

 ....... they love Swiss cheese...

Of course, I could build them a respectable, practical, functional coop...
But this design does not begin to reflect their personalities.

What they'd really like is something like this:

but I think it's against the building code in my town.

So after I raid the scrap pile at the local lumber yard, I'll begin building the perfect coop for my gals.  
hmm... marble, mahogany, stained glass...central air...


  1. We sometimes get tiny eggs like that! So darn cute! Love the blog :)

    The Chicken Keepers

  2. Are you sure you can't build the Taj Coop ???!!

  3. Pigeon is my heroine! I vote for the Taj look...but whatever you make - they will probably like it!

  4. I vote for Monsoon, but you know how I love the beach :o)So glad the girls are back! I have missed them.

  5. Stop by Lowe's in Milford. I can show you some great materials!! Can't wait to see what you build!

  6. I wonder what the new coop will be like?

    I love how you've recorded the different eggs - people think I'm nuts when I identify which hen has laid each egg - like it's some kind of whacky party trick. Great to know I'm not alone ;-)


  7. I hope that you didn't tell Pigeon that you ate her fart egg! It sounds mighty cute though ~ fit in a tablespoon?! ;-)

    I need to build a new coop as well. Perhaps you could share your plans (and progress) and we can work on it "together"?

  8. I'm quite surprised that there was a yolk in that little egg. All of the tiny eggs that my girls lay are all whites.
    Terry at

  9. I can't wait for my girls to start laying! As far as a new coop, how about a castle fit for princesses? With a tower they can walk up to.

  10. That pigeon, such a silly gal. Seems shes the artistic minded on in this group of hens :)
    always thinking out the box.

    Cant wait to see the new hen coop!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I vote for the Italian Farmhouse - that's where I would want to live! My girls have laid "mini eggs" too. Such a funny thing to see, but maybe for once they didn't want to have to work so hard to get an egg out, so that's why they laid the mini. (At least, that's what we tell our kids.)

  13. Can't wait to see what you decide. There all great ideas.

  14. I love the artwork. I laughed all through the post. All that was lacking was that cute little terrier, Markey!

  15. You are my favorite chicken blog! So fun!

  16. Love your blog! It made me laugh! I've just recently started blogging. If you'd like to "Follow" my blog it is

  17. I just love you, my chicken sister!!!Hugs and Kisses....Eva

  18. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to build. I have a friend who has chickens on the West Coast and a friend on the East Coast who is interested in chickens! I love your blog! When you have a moment please check out my new blog, I'm new to blogging and I'm having a blast!

  19. I love the illistrations on your blog.... do you paint them yourself?
    quite delightful

    greetings from a welsh chicken keeper!!

  20. We need another post! Going through Scratch and Peck withdraw!

    Any more news on the new coop creation?

  21. Love your drawings and stories. You have a delightful whimsical style. Hope you have fun building the new coop.

  22. Our girls have the funtional coop LOL. I am so not letting them see all the ideas you have there for coops! They would be demanding I rework their coop! :O).

  23. You had to be Lucy, or Paloma Lils White because the two young ones are not old enough to lay their eggs. I knew it was not Lucy. Their eggs are pointed, pink and perfect at all times.

  24. Too funny - I too have a mystery egg, tiny perfect and white...days ago, and not one since. I love stopping by to read about your girls, thanks! Come check out my coop - eek, and my creative friends!
    xo Heidi

  25. In anticipation of what you decide to build. I have a friend who has chickens and a friend of the west coast of the East Coast

  26. Beautiful new coop! The interior decorating is marvelous. Is that a glass window?

  27. charlene -- thank you! the window is a piece of plexiglass. The girls love to look out the window at us, just like we're looking out our window at them.

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