Saturday, May 29, 2010


continued from the previous post: SPRING ROBINS

People ask me how we can tell Lucy and Pigeon apart.

Well, their feathers are the same, but the rest is totally different.
Pigeon's got a goofy expression on her face.
And you'll never see her just walking.

Lucy is slow as molasses.

Their conversations :

Pigeon ends every word with an exclamation point, while Lucy moans and laments.

I guess if I had 50 Barred Rocks, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, let alone know them as individuals.

But with only two, the differences are like night and day.

In Sy Montgomery's new book, Birdology,
she talks about a study that was conducted to see how chickens tell each other apart. 

Scientists took a flock of chickens of a single breed and painted their feathers different colors, and the chickens still recognized their friends and flockmates.
But then they put little hats over their combs, and the chickens couldn't figure out who was who.


When my husband hangs out with the hens on weekend mornings, they all look up at his face, recognizing him as The Raisin Man.

..or The Breadcrust Man, or The Leftover Corn Man.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

The little gals, Daisy and Fern, are beginning to recognize me. 

Until recently, I was just THE HAND  to them.

Now Fern sees me as a comforting caretaker.

Daisy still has a bit of trouble with that concept.

Daisy also has trouble understanding that those beautiful hens sauntering around the yard just might want to kill her.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .Next post: BECOMING A CHICKEN


  1. Can't get enough of your chicken stories!

  2. Raisin man! LOL! Bet Danny never thought he would have that name. They are precious! Can't wait to see how Fern and Daisy look as adults! Another great post, and I didn't even go into withdrawal ;o)

  3. Thanks so much. Reading your posts and seeing the illustrations are pure pleasure.


  4. Can't wait for more Fern and Daisy! Love the chickens in hats, too funny.

  5. Your stories really do make my day! I love how you view the world, and how you share it with us all. :)

  6. It is a nice pics especially the last picture

  7. How interesting about the combs! That scampering video is too funny!

    I just got three pullets and have a little ark coop. They've only been here 3 days and still haven't learned that they are supposed to go upstairs to roost at night. I would like to lure them up there with a treat rather than have to destroy my knees crawling in there and grabbing them to force them up there. Does that mean I should use raisins? Or would cracked corn be better? Maybe I need my own "Raisin Man"!!

  8. Thank you all for the comments!
    JGH --I'd suggest you bring little treats often during the day, and let them eat it out of your hand. Then eventually they might come to you in the evening, rather than your climbing in there to get them. I'm wondering if the upstairs of the ark is well ventilated -- could it be too warm in there for them? Break the raisins in half so they can taste the goodness. Also you could try chicken-scratch, sliced grapes, melon, tomato.

  9. Thanks, Lauren - I'll try with those treats! There are holes on each side of the ark and it's pretty breezy back there but it has been warm lately, so I'll check that too. Thanks so much for the tips :-)

  10. Just wanted to say that I love your blog... I always enjoy reading, even if i don't always comment.

  11. I have just read through your entire blog/story. I am in LOVE! What a wonderful part of your lives (yours and your chickens) you are sharing! Can't wait for the next post ;-)

  12. I love your blog! Just found it a few days ago. I have chickens too and they are so beautiful and fun. We're struggling with the holes they dig in our lawn and rose beds. Just wanted to say thanks for making me smile! Your illustrations are ADORABLE!
