Saturday, March 23, 2013

Copying a Masterpiece

The Once Upon a Flock blog tour continues!

I love being an illustrator because folks give me assignments that I might never have tried to tackle on my own. 

Today's creative challenge is a spectacular living masterpiece:   
Kylee Baumle's Silver Laced Wyandotte, Violet. 

Kylee wasn't sure which of these ladies is in fact Violet, so I chose that elegant form in the background. 
First, to capture those voluptuous curves.

Then, to make sense of that wildly graphic feather pattern.... I began with black, then carved the white pattern.   A bit of shading, and that rich red face....
And here's Violet! ....Makes me want a Silver Laced Wyandotte of my very own.  

Now, please head on over to OUR LITTLE ACRE  to meet Violet and to win yourself a copy of ONCE UPON A FLOCK!

Here's the full list of the fantastic and unique blogs on my tour -- Enjoy! 

March 19 Tilly's Nest
March 20
March 23 Our Little Acre
March 27  Garden Rant


  1. I love when you show how you do your fabulous artwork, Lauren! For artistically challenged people like me, it's wondrous. Thank you for asking me to be a part of your fun blog tour. I absolutely loved the book and the portrait of Violet will be treasured. I just love it. :-)

  2. Can I covet a silver laced Wyandotte too? Aren t they just stunning! I am curious to know if your illustrations are done on a computer? Do you have a previous post about the program you use?

    1. Hi Finding Fifth -- This was all done in Photoshop. I do love to do artwork by hand: pen-and-ink, scratchboard, and watercolor. But I equally love using my Wacom Tablet, and drawing directly onto the computer is so convenient and speedy.
      And yes, I think we all covet Silver Laced Wyandottes!

  3. Lovely illustration! Silver laced wyandottes are on my chicken wish list. I think they are so gorgeous!

  4. Someday soon we will leave the suburbs and have such a fine lacy bird of our own. Your illustration is just stunning.

  5. I missed the book givaway, but oh well. However, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to tell you how much I have enjoyed your art lessons! I have really had fun following your simple directions! OK, I am still not a Rembrandt, but I may be able to pretend that I am a Picasso! '-)

