Monday, August 15, 2011

Lil'White Goes Shopping

A Facebook friend declared August 14  "Take Your Chicken to a Pet Store Day".

So I did!

I took Lil'White.

I'm not sure what she was expecting, 

but I don't think she was prepared for all the attention.

She caused lots of double-takes and smiles.  We had some nice chats with customers...wandered around... picked up a little toy for Marky.

Lil'White maintained her composure until we arrived at the Budgie cage.
That's when her little toes started quivering and we decided it was time to depart. 

Just a little delay at the checkout --

And we were home within the hour.
To Lil'White, it seemed much longer. 

I'm glad we went on this little adventure. Lil'White served as a fine ambassador for pet chickens, and in our conversations with amused shoppers, we were able to slip in a little comment here and there about healthy eggs from happy hens -- which is really what it's all about.


  1. Cute cute cute!!! I love my chickens. I know I've told you that before. :)
    I know someone who took her rooster to PetSmart to have his picture taken with Santa.

  2. Oh dear me - I can't bear it it's so cute! I want to take my girls now - or maybe one of my roosters and just accidentally leave it there....:0) did I say that outloud?

  3. Adorable, so cute. Bless her for being such a good chicken ambassador. My three spent their first eight weeks in the same room as my noisy budgie, I thought I was going to have the worlds first talking chickens, they love 'Bob the Budgie'. I wear my Scratch and Peck T shirt with such pride I can tell ya! :)

  4. Well, for a hen who, if she could would be a Queen and cackle "off with their heads!" all day (wait, she does that, doesn't she?) Lil' White was certainly a gracious chicken ambassador. Who knew?

  5. Oh, how sweet. I should take my Ginger with me to the store. Course, she'd eat about $20 worth of crickets before I'd get her out of there. Hmmm, maybe it's best I leave my porkers at home.

  6. ... and once again ... you've outdone yourself! Fab post, Lauren! LOVE the photos/illustrations!

  7. What a wonderful adventure! Love reading about your babes.

  8. You and Lil' White made my day!

  9. Way to go Lil'White! What did the other girls think when you got home and told them all about it? Oh! And tell your mommy that I'm patiently waiting for a Tee Shirt design with you on it!❤

  10. Lil'White is so nice to remember a toy for Marky!

  11. Great chickie adventure! Love it!

  12. I would <3 to do that with my chicken! But we live out in the middle of nowhere :-( too bad.. Cute chicken!

  13. Oh I want to take my chickens on shopping adventures! People take their tiny lap dogs; why not take a chicken? My "special needs" bantam would be perfect. My daughter is sitting next to me reading this and begging to take Buttons somewhere. Ha!

  14. So darn cute!
    i need to figure out how to become "closer" with the chickens at Greenwood (i'm there only twice a month).

  15. When I see a post of yours in my reading list, all the list perusing stops. I can't wait for your lovely posts with all the lovely drawings. You are a gift!!

  16. So talented and funny you are! I look forward to each post. Waiting to see what you do for the costume event coming up in October! ~ Lynda

  17. Adorable! I squealed with glee at the picture with the budgies, I had to make it my desktop background :) I would love to see a Chicken in Petsmart. I take my parrot to an avian only vet, and one visit as I was leaving a woman came in with three hens. Chickens~!!! I had to stay to ask her all about them. (They had food related names, funny or mean? hmmm)

  18. Oh gosh, I should try to take Rita, my Buff Orpington. She's so sweet. Or maybe the goat? HA! Thanks for the great story.

  19. Love this! For those of use who might also consider such an adventure, how did you transport her into the store? Carrier? Leash :)?

  20. I'll bet Lil' White had all kinds of stories to tell her friends about her adventure and brush with stardom!!

  21. This is too cute to handle! I am sure there was more than one person wondering if there were more chickens around available for adoption!

  22. It is a good thing that there weren't any visiting dogs at the time! Why did you choose Lil? Was this a humbling experience for her? I absolutely love your artwork, humor and style. Thanks so much!

  23. SO funny! I feel odd walking out front of our house holding a chicken so I can't even imagine going to the pet shop. Though, when I worked there as a kid we used to get visited by Kevin Bacon (the pig).

  24. Lauren...I love the photos with your artwork on them. What a great story. I'm rather late reading it but I look forward to more. xo, Rosemary

  25. I bet Lil White was better behaved at the store than my children are.

  26. I love your posts, but maybe you should make a few more... this one was in august!
    Maybe come back to your blog every once in a while...
    Cant wait for when you do!
